PRaMuKa IsLand : 18-19 des '09

Akhirnya tiba saat yang kunanti tepatnya tanggal 18 desember 2009, saatnya menjadi bolang (red - bocah petualang). Semangatnya diriku menyongsong fajar pagi yang baru saja merekah, walaupun baru tidur sekitar 4 jam tapi ku tepiskan kemalasan yang menyergap dan beranjak bangun dari tempat tidur lalu bersiap untuk memulai perjalananku.

Jam 5.30 WIB
Waktu yang ditetapkan untuk janjian molor sampai jam 5.50 WIB, pasalnya teman yang mau nitip motor dirumah baru muncul 20menit kemudian. Gak pake lama sekelarnya parkir motor dirumah, langsung bergegas ke meeting point dengan teman-teman lainnya di depan St. Fransiskus I (SD & SLTP ku tercinta =>
Langsung deh kami ber enam sok merasa langsing, memenuhi taksi yang normalnya kapasitas max 5 orang. Muara angke Tacuuu bang…
Ciiiiiiiiitttttttttt… passss banget jam 6.30 WIB sampe deh di angke, untung ga ketinggalan kapal.. Fiuhhh!!
Here we are, untuk pertama kalinya naik kapal kelas ikan (bau amis seh) tapi seru abis dapet temen baru pula. Mayann buat pemula.. ;p

Jam 9.30 WIB
Kurang lebih 2 ½ jam perjalanan angke-pramuka. Tiba selamat ditujuan, menunggu pak menik yang mengurus homestay, narcis dulu ahh…CLICK !!
Homestay kami tak jauh dari dermaga dan pas banget lagi jadwal mati lampu dari jam 8 pagi – 4 sore, kebetulan disebelahnya ada tempat makan, saatnya mengisi perut yang keroncongan dengan nasi telur dadar dan segelas es jeruk (suegerrrr rekkk), murmer, perut kenyang dan tak lama kemudian teman-teman ku langsung tepar..
Cukup meluruskan punggung sejenak, akhirnya ku putuskan berkeliling pulau dengan salah satu temanku sambil menunggu snorkling time jam 13.00 WIB. (gosonggg dehh)

13.00 WIB
Cuaca yang cerah. It’s snorkeling time guys…
Cihuyyyyyyyy.. setelah carter kapal dan sewa one set snorkle, langsung berlayar ke pulau tetangga, diantaranya kami snorkeling di sekitaran pulau air dan satu lagi soft coral (baru diedit nih,karena baru inget namanya).hehe
Tak lupa juga mampir ke pulau semak daun, and my favorite spots are pulau air and semak daun. Bagussss buat foto2, airnya jernih and it’s so green. Beautiful ^^

Niatnya mau barbeque-an malemnya, mampir ke pulau panggang buat beli ikan, ehhh keabisan.. nasibbbb!!!
Pulang lah dengan tangan kosong dan perut keroncongan. But it was so much fun..
Jam 6 sore kami kembali ke pramuka ditemani dengan sunset yang mewarnai langit sore itu. NICE..
Keroncongan euy!! Lagi-lagi makan nasi+telur dadar (mudah2an ga bisulan), gak peduli penampilan dekil ‘n dekumel hajar blehh…Nyamm!!

Sabtu, 19 Desember 2009
Back to Jakarta. Kami naik kapal yang jam 1 siang, supaya bisa keliling pulau dulu dan foto2 pastinya.
Perjalanan pulang lebih lama dari yang seharusnya, jam setengah 5 sore baru sampe di angke.
Untung gak mabok laut..haha jalan kaki mayan jauh dari pasar ikan akhirnya dapet taksi juga. Fiuhh!!

Short trip yang menyenangkan, bikin hidup jadi lebih hidup.. (alagh)
Ketagihan jadi bolang neh..
See ya on the next trip.. ^^

Budget short trip Pramuka
Ongkos kapal PP 2x 30rb  : 60rb
Homestay 350rb/6org      : 60rb
Carter kapal 300rb/6org   : 50rb
Patungan guide 2x60rb     : 20rb
Snorkle                           : 35rb
Taksi PP (patungan)         : 25rb
Makan                            : 40rb

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One day Trip : Jakarta-Bandung

Sunday, November 22nd 2009

..." Wake up everyone
How can you sleep at a time like this
Unless the dreamer is the real you.."

Lagu Jason Mraz mengawali hari itu.
Time to wake up and get my self ready for one day trip to bandung by train with my friend. yipikayeee!!! ^^
Pengalaman pertama naik kereta ke bandung neh, biasanya seh cuma tinggal duduk di mobil tau-tau udah sampe di kota bunga..haha 
Itung-itung warming up buat jadi backpacker. (halagh!)

Anyway, kami naik kereta Parahyangan kelas eksekutif jam 8.30WIB Rp.45.000,-/person.
(nyaris ketinggalan kereta karena teman yang dateng sangat on time). LOL
Perjalanan berlangsung selama 3 jam, ga terasa juga karena dipenuhi dengan obrolan sambil ngemil oreo.
Mendekati Bandung, hujan menghiasi kota bunga menambah kesejukan siang itu.
Rencananya kami mau mengunjungi pesta komik di STDI, saya hanya menemani teman saya yang memiliki kepentingan. Sayangnya, saya berharap terlalu banyak.
Ternyata acaranya biasa saja. Lanjutttt!!!

Masih sambil 'romantis-romantisan' sepayung berdua, becek ga ada ojek jalan kaki menuju ciwalk.
Diperjalanan ga sengaja nemu tempat makan bertuliskan "sate domba africa".
Jauh-jauh ke bandung makan disitu, padahal cabangnya ada di gajah mada
(belom kesampean nyobain seh) gubrakkk!!
Nothing so special, kita cuma jalan-jalan di seputaran ciwalk, but every moments we had will remains.Keep walking till gempor.. LOL

Finally, Jam 17.30WIB kami pulang diantar oleh daytrans Cihampelas-Karet cukup mengocek kantong Rp.60.000,-/person.Tidur sepanjang perjalanan.ZzZz

So Tired but So much Fun!!!
Can't wait for the next trip..

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Mes amies..

I believe we all do have someone to share, to care, etc...
One that we called FRIEND..

Personally, for me,  my friends has become apart of me..
Feels like there's a missing pieces of me if i don't have them..
Well, sometime i need to be on my own..
it's so natural.. we all do!!
But, we can never walk alone...
No matter how hard we try to refuse or pretend that we're strong enough

Deep inside, we all need someone...
just to care, to share tears and laugh..that simple.

Thanx guys, for being apart of me..
Merci pour les bonnes memoires mes amies..

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Traveller's Guidance aLa PauLo CoeLho...

Mengutip sedikit travel guidance ala Paulo Coelho.
Lumayan buat panduan traveling.
Bon Voyage !!

By Paulo Coelho
I realised very early on that, for me, travelling was the best way of learning. I still have a pilgrim soul, and I thought that I would use this column to pass on some of the lessons I have learned, in the hope that they might prove useful to other pilgrims like me.
1. Avoid museums. This might seem to be absurd advice, but let’s just think about it a little: if you are in a foreign city, isn’t it far more interesting to go in search of the present than of the past? It’s just that people feel obliged to go to museums because they learned as children that travelling was about seeking out that kind of culture. Obviously museums are important, but they require time and objectivity - you need to know what you want to see there, otherwise you will leave with a sense of having seen a few really fundamental things, except that you can’t remember what they were.
2. Hang out in bars. Bars are the places where life in the city reveals itself, not in museums. By bars I don’t mean nightclubs, but the places where ordinary people go, have a drink, ponder the weather, and are always ready for a chat. Buy a newspaper and enjoy the ebb and flow of people. If someone strikes up a conversation, however silly, join in: you cannot judge the beauty of a particular path just by looking at the gate.
3. Be open. The best tour guide is someone who lives in the place, knows everything about it, is proud of his or her city, but does not work for any agency. Go out into the street, choose the person you want to talk to, and ask them something (Where is the cathedral? Where is the post office?). If nothing comes of it, try someone else - I guarantee that at the end of the day you will have found yourself an excellent companion.
4. Try to travel alone or - if you are married - with your spouse. It will be harder work, no one will be there taking care of you, but only in this way can you truly leave your own country behind. Traveling with a group is a way of being in a foreign country while speaking your mother tongue, doing whatever the leader of the flock tells you to do, and taking more interest in group gossip than in the place you are visiting.
5. Don’t compare. Don’t compare anything - prices, standards of hygiene, quality of life, means of transport, nothing! You are not traveling in order to prove that you have a better life than other people - your aim is to find out how other people live, what they can teach you, how they deal with reality and with the extraordinary.
6. Understand that everyone understands you. Even if you don’t speak the language, don’t be afraid: I’ve been in lots of places where I could not communicate with words at all, and I always found support, guidance, useful advice, and even girlfriends. Some people think that if they travel alone, they will set off down the street and be lost for ever. Just make sure you have the hotel card in your pocket and - if the worst comes to the worst - flag down a taxi and show the card to the driver.
7. Don’t buy too much. Spend your money on things you won’t need to carry: tickets to a good play, restaurants, trips. Nowadays, with the global economy and the Internet, you can buy anything you want without having to pay excess baggage.
8. Don’t try to see the world in a month. It is far better to stay in a city for four or five days than to visit five cities in a week. A city is like a capricious woman: she takes time to be seduced and to reveal herself completely.
9. A journey is an adventure. Henry Miller used to say that it is far more important to discover a church that no one else has ever heard of than to go to Rome and feel obliged to visit the Sistine Chapel with two hundred thousand other tourists bellowing in your ear. By all means go to the Sistine Chapel, but wander the streets too, explore alleyways, experience the freedom of looking for something - quite what you don’t know - but which, if you find it, will - you can be sure - change your life.

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